A downloadable game for Windows

Space Shuttle Endeavor

Developed by Papes


Space Shuttle Endeavor is a Pygame-based game where players control a space shuttle. This project is part of a final term video project that I worked on. It's still a work in progress, but the physics are functioning well.

Navigating through space, avoiding obstacles, and collecting points.

- Use arrow keys (up, down, left, right) to navigate the space shuttle.
- Press the space bar to detach boosters and tank


    - Realistic space shuttle movement simulation.
    - Dynamic obstacle generation for challenging gameplay.
    - Accurate physics
    - Sound effects and background music to enhance immersion.

- Lei01: Sprites, Presentation and Artwork


release 0.1.zip 32 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the game
  2. Extract the .rar file
  3. Move or open dist and open shuttle.exe
  4. Enjoy!

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